Chemistry, Computer Science, Physics, and Test Prep
2025-26 online courses taught by Kevin and
Cindy Hyde
Chemistry. 1:00 to 2:00 on Wednesdays.
Utilizes Abeka curriculum with additions.
Precision and Design, 3rd ed required. Occasional optional
hands-on lab days will be scheduled in Saluda. $250 for the year.
Computer Science. 1:00 to 2:00 on
Thursdays. Python programming and open-source productivity
tools. Online text.
While not official, it parallels
AP Computer Science Principles. $250
for the year.
Conceptual Physics. 10:00 to 11:00
on Thursdays. Taught at the conceptual level and supports the "
Physics First" ideas in education. Textbook
provided. Occasional optional hands-on lab days will be scheduled in
Saluda. $250 for the year.
Test Prep. 2:15 to 3:15 on Wednesdays.
Students will work through online sample tests and learn strategies.
Practice for both ACT and SAT tests. $250 for the
Register for classes by August
Chemistry and
Test Prep start August 27.
Physics and
Computer Science start August 28.
Supplemental assistance in can be provided
either online or in-person.
Please contact Cindy: