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Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement (WJ IV or WJ V) 

In-Person or Remote Administration


Cindy Hyde,, will test in her home in Saluda, North Carolina or remotely via Zoom.  On an exception basis, Cindy may travel to do testing and will charge 70 cents per mile round trip.  She also tests in-person in Franklin, North Carolina during specific dates.

Cindy is your best option for achievement testing.  She has attended specialized training at Rutgers from the test publisher for WJ IV and all online training for the WJ V. She provides the best value ... a frequent comment is that "the scores are nice to have, but the consult with Cindy is invaluable!"
Discounts (can be combined):
The Woodcock-Johnson IV and V are administered primarily orally in a one-on-one environment and meet North Carolina state home-schooling requirements. The next version of the Woodcock-Johnson (WJ V) will be released in February 2025 and Cindy will transition to it in the following months. High scores on the "Broad" interpretive clusters will typically qualify for gifted programs. Prices include consultation with parents to discuss test results and observations during testing and also WJ IV Interpretation & Instructional Interventions Program (WIIIP®), which provides a detailed interpretation of student performance offering research-based interventions and strategies based on an examinee’s scores. WIIIP

North Carolina § 115C-564 requires annual administration of a nationally-normed test on grammar, reading, spelling, and mathematics achievement.

Price Approx Time (hr)
Interpretive Clusters
Academic Skills and Applications (Meets NC requirements) $80
Letter-Word Identification, Applied Problems, Spelling, Passage Comprehension, Calculation, Writing Samples (WJ IV) or Written Language Samples (WJ V) Academic Skills, Academic Applications, Reading, Mathematics, Written Language (grammar), Brief Achievement


Fluencies (only in-person) $20 .5 Sentence Reading Fluency, Math Facts Fluency, Sentence Writing Fluency Academic Fluency, Broad Reading, Broad Mathematics, Math Calculation Skills, Broad Written Language, Written Expression, Broad Achievement
Academic Knowledge
$20 .4
Science, Social Studies, Humanities (WJ IV) or Academic Vocabulary and Facts (WJ V)
Academic Knowledge
Phoneme-Grapheme Knowledge $15 .3 Word Attack, Spelling of Sounds Phoneme-Grapheme Knowledge, Basic Reading Skills
Oral Reading $5 .1 Oral Reading
Reading Fluency (with Fluencies)
Reading Rate (only in-person) $5 .1 Word Reading Fluency Reading Rate (with Fluencies)
Reading Comprehension $20
Reading Recall, Reading Vocabulary (WJ IV) or Paragraph Reading Comprehension (WJ V)
Reading Comprehension
Math Problem Solving
$10 .2
Number Matrices (WJ IV) or Math Problem Identification (WJ V)
Math Problem Solving
Basic Writing Skills $10 .2 Editing (WJ IV) or Sentence Writing Accuracy (WJ V) Basic Writing Skills (grammar)
Broad Oral Language
Picture Vocabulary, Oral Comprehension, Sentence Repetition, Understanding Directions, Oral Language Samples (WJ V), Story Comprehension (WJ V)
Broad Oral Language, Oral Expression, Listening Comprehension
Speed of Lexical Access $15 .2 Rapid Picture Naming, Retrieval Fluency Speed of Lexical Access
Phonetic Coding
$15 .2
Segmentation, Sound Blending Phonetic Coding

A Dyslexia Report can be generated if the following are administered:

"The assessment of dyslexia requires consideration of many factors beyond standardized test performance, including the student’s developmental and family history, exposure to appropriate classroom instruction, and response to intervention. When used within the context of a comprehensive evaluation, the Dyslexia Report and Dyslexia Checklists can help examiners determine if their client demonstrates the characteristics of dyslexia and then plan interventions accordingly.  The WJ IV Dyslexia Report provides a conceptual framework that organizes WJ IV test results for the purpose of identifying characteristics of dyslexia." (WIIIP® Dyslexia Report Guide, p.4)

To schedule testing, note the time needed for testing plus any additions and add extra if the student will require more than typical:
  1. Reserve time on Cindy's schedule by emailing her at
  2. Complete the Registration Form to provide needed data
  3. Make payment through Zelle (search for, Achieve! Shop (credit card with Square), PayPal invoice, check, or cash

Contact Cindy, to ask questions

For remote testing:

For additional information:

Tests and Interpretive Clusters Tests and Interpretive Clusters

WJ IV Brochure Woodcock-Johnson IV Brochure

Dyslexia Evaluation Checklist: Parent Form
Dyslexia Evaluation Checklist: Teacher Form
Writing Evaluation Scale